Do you think that internet changes actually publishing? Do you believe that it can alter the life of a human being? Have you ever thought about this for a while…
Today I’m going to do my part of thinking, maybe in this way I can motivate you to do yours!
Internet nowadays its soo big that it cannot be written into a single book or even an encyclopedia. This is due to the rapid growth of internet and the information that is updated into it every second by a person in this world. Now you can buy a book online, you can search about the latest news in one click, and you can know whatever you want by just connecting to the World Wide Web.
Adding to all that now authors can sell their books online which means that they don’t have to go into the normal process of publishing. They don’t have to have an agent to represent them in the negotiation of how much they are going to get for their book thus in this case it saves them both time and money. Also they don’t have to worry about where their book is going to be published - on the internet it’s going to be worldwide; anyone anywhere can access it easily.
What makes it even easier is the process – since all you have to do is just write the name of the book and the name of the author to be more specific and all the information that a person wants about this book will appear right away in a couple of minutes while sitting down sipping coffee and wearing your pjs. This is so much relaxing and easier than going to the library or the book store and start searching for the book then start reading the main points of it while standing sill and all of the frustration that follows.
All of these points when considering them seem quit real since they are real. But lets think here for a moment about all the agents, about all the people who work to make a specific book popular, and about all the companies that work really hard to make all of this possible. What will happen to them? What are they going to do? What are they going to work when their company closes or when the agents are no longer needed? Their lives will change it’s a very simple math equation. And our lives will change as well.
I believe that in the near future books will no longer exist! I believe that internet will and is going to be developed more and more every single day. I believe that publishing plays a major role in our lifes today. And I believe that the world we are living in today will change completely that our kids may not even know what a book is.
well maybe our kids wouldnt have to read anymore coz the information would be downloaded to their brain immediately. (too creative i know:P)neway nice work!
Yeah that would be something! imagine the possibility of that actually happening Jana?
Thanks Dana :)
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